King Tides ProjectWe are an international network bringing awareness to climate change and the impact of sea level rise. King Tides Project International is an initiative delivered by a network of organizers on coastlines around the world. We are citizen scientists, capturing data and images showing what the future sea levels will be and what is at risk. The King Tides Project is a fun way to explore your community, while supporting scientists and decision makers to plan for future sea level rise. |  San Diego CoastkeeperPlease sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop and be informed of upcoming trainings. Every other month, San Diego Coastkeeper sends teams of trained volunteers out to rivers and streams in nine of San Diego’s eleven watersheds to collect samples for analysis. The results from water monitoring go into a reporting system and help us determine if there are issues or changes in our water supply, and help regulators determine which waterways are in need of protection and restoration efforts. |  Global Fishing WatchWe’re revolutionizing the ability to monitor the global commercial fishing fleet, offering near real-time tracking of fishing activity via our public map. Anyone can use it, for free, to track fishing boats and download data about their past and present activities. Our platform is helping enable scientific research, advocate for better policies to support marine protection, tackle overfishing and improve the way fishing is managed. |