Just got back on Sept. 13th from a very informative convention – MACNA (Marine Aquarium Conventions in North America) held in Las Vegas. Equally helpful were the formal classes and the informal meeting with experienced aquarists. Next year I will have a whole slew of new questions, but this time around I got all of mine answered. One discussion was about the best seahorses from the curator of the Shark Exhibit tank the Mandalay Bay. His fave were Potbellies because of their large size and color, and ease of keeping. From another discussion I learned I could raise my own Rotifers and Copepods. I also learned in a meet and greet for fish breeders that many areas previously available for collection of fish and live rock are now closed, such as in Vanuatu. Maybe that will supercharge the cultivated fish trade, with the goal of not removing any reef fish from the wild (Disclaimer – while I do plan on obtaining my sea life directly in San Diego waters, I won’t be collecting any endangered species).
As I barely foray into my current two aquariums, I plan for my next one. It is a fish keeper’s curse – always wanting an additional or a larger tank, or both! I lured my husband to the convention floor to entice him with beautiful tanks filled with gorgeous fish. I still plan on adding a seahorse tank, even tho the shark guy said “Don’t!” I also want a jellyfish tank (as soon as I find somewhere to put it). and my newest, a nano tropical tank. I would either keep shrimp or a clown fish plus some anemones but not interested in coral yet. Give me time.
I attended most of the classes. I learned that could have used more. One class of 100 participants had only two female “reefers”. I am not a reefer – just a cold water anomaly! The booths were heavy on coral reefs but there was plenty to be learned about lights and tanks and filters. I enjoy picking out booths that look deserted and chat up the vendor. It allowed for some in-depth, informative discussions.
OK, my “what was I thinking!” moment. I got so excited at the raffle extravaganza that I deposited tickets into a couple of boxes for items I could not possibly take with me on a plane, and were not worth enough to bother shipping. And, I won both, a tub of sea salt and a glass (read “heavy”) 10 gallon aquarium. Happily, the gentleman that accompanied me to the winner pick up spot traded both of my items for a reef start-up kit, and 3 $20 sheets of more raffle tickets. I didn’t win anything else, but am taking home a small wardrobe of logo-emblazoned T shirts from various vendors. I find them ideal to sleep in.
Dang! I’m not sure if he was serious, but one fish vendor said I could take the beautiful round infinity aquarium home with me. It was full of small corals and fish, even a seahorse. I almost wanted to rent a truck and cancel the rest of our trip (going on to New York)…husband said “no”. Anyways, can’t wait to get home again and to finally start the cycling process. I need to be home for a long enough stretch to do all the water tests. Soon!