Thought I would share some pics and videos of some of my critters.

Here is the whole tank, with new aragonite sand that will help keep the correct alkalinity.

Penny the Bay Blennie, added when she was 2 inches long, now 6".

Aggregating anemones - started with 3 and now have 6 due to them dividing themselves. They are from 2 different colonies, so get to see lots of interesting behavior as they shuffle around on rock and determine territories with their particular clones.
This is Cami the two spot octopus trying to get a snack from a puzzle - the two colored discs are lightly pushed together with the shrimp treat inside. She has not mastered it yet, but give her time!

Newest tankmates are two Catalina Blue-Banded Gobies. To their right is a small colony of Strawberry anemones. California Blue Mussels are around. (pretty striped shell is from unidentified limpet, already having become a crab meal.) Shell on sand to left is a Wavy Top Turban, a snail. Glass bottle to right is how I feed the mobile tankmates to keep leftover food from escaping. That gets siphoned up with turkey baster to feed the relatively non-mobile anemones. Critters in hiding I will reveal later, 2 purple sea urchins, one white urchin, two bat stars, a striped shore crab and various limpets and snails.