After 2weeks of no eating, my octopus finally devoured a crab. No pics, I will save you the carnage, but it was quite satisfying. My pet sitter is not so happy, though, as any crab she has cared for is her buddy, and is not so excited as I am to be feeding her charges to the new Octopus. Ah, the circle of life.
Now my goal is to get her to recognize me, which involves sitting in front of the tank staring at each other. She has actually moved out of a crevice and is much more visible now. I know she is watching, as every time I move my head she darkens in color. Then, there is a cycling of color back to her basic tan. She has two bright blue spots that she can flash or fade out in an instant. The cycling of colors reminds me of the flickering of light underwater.

Here she is reaching out towards me, trying to figure out what the heck I am!