I am trying out a little bit of everything today! I will start with Cami. It was advised that it was a good idea to stimulate your octopus by changing up their hiding places. I put some new rocks in and made a perfectly nice cave, but Cami is not having it. She is sulking in her PVC tube.

Luckily, I have a shipment of fiddler crabs coming soon, so maybe she will love me again!
I love this, from facebook. A world map from the perspective of the fishes:

Latest Beach openings! This includes Cardiff's state beaches. San Diego has been very good with social distancing. Let's keep it up!
This is a call to action on the disturbing move to open more of our coastline to drilling (and the potential for another Horizon disaster in our area):
Lastly, an interesting mention of research into possible ways that salmon navigate back to their rivers of origin. Could this also be a strategy in bird migration?
Keep Safe! And, don't miss the fantastic light show still going on at our beaches from the bioluminescent dinoflagellates. It is persisting for an unusually long time - we had an unusual amount of rain and runoff that led to these blooms, but we may not see it for a long while as San Diego dries out..