This blog is all about sharing my passion about the ocean with other like-minded people. I will be sharing cool creature facts, citizen science projects, Southern California field trips and a calendar of things to do involving the ocean, primarily in San Diego, such as Grey Whale migrations, grunion runs, and swimming with Leopard sharks in La Jolla Cove. There is a lot of ground to cover, so this will be a work in progress. Also, I will be sharing my biggest project, starting two cold saltwater aquariums from scratch. I have maintained a tropical freshwater aquarium or two since I was a kid, but saltwater is new for me. I will be concentrating on critters that come from local San Diego waters. The water here in Southern California rarely gets above 66 degrees, so it requires the use of a chilling unit for each tank, rather than a heater as with tropical tanks. My ultimate plan for my aquariums is to eventually have visitors such as scout groups to share the learning experience. You love most what you have a personal, emotional experience with. That is why it is so important to connect people hands-on with the ocean, early and often.
My own love of the ocean comes from the days starting at age 6 when my family bought a sailboat. We would spend every weekend on Alamitos Bay with the wind and the water, and the rest of the time I would be hanging over the side of the dock looking at all of the interesting sea creatures growing there. I started fishing, ultimately learned to scuba dive with my dad, and even spent many hours observing sea creatures in temporary aquariums in my garage. I possessed a scientific collecting permit while in high school, which led to the garage aquariums. I have come full circle as I embark on keeping sea creatures again at my home, but with more a more sophisticated setup. I have also reapplied for a scientific collecting permit, based on the educational value of my aquariums.
So, here’s to a new endeavor, and to maintaining an ocean-centric life!
