Did my first big clean of the tank with 60 gallons of water exchanged. Sea hares are very messy! Noticing some algae growth on rocks – some of it is actual blades, some looks like it will be hair algae. Will give me an excuse to get more limpets.

The Sea Hares are always roaming around, looking hungry. I give them each a 1/2 sheet of Norri, and when they stop it looks like they have fallen asleep in it! They are getting big fast – I need to start measuring their growth.
The Bay Blennie is eating the frozen food, but she has such a small mouth she has to spit some out. She attacks it from my fingers and retreats under the loose giant kelp frond I have in there.
I see crab molts, the little ones and my larger one. I found a new tiny crab I can’t identify with white markings on its shell. Will try to get a good picture of it tomorrow.
Refugium is set up. I don’t have the last baffle as requires a custom fit, but algae seems to be staying put. I added refugium median a glass pyrex shallow dish to hold it in place.