Jessica is currently a Master’s student at the University of California, San Diego working with Dr. Michael Tolley in the Bioinspired Robotics and Design Lab, and a member of the Deheyn Lab at Scripps Institute of Oceanography. She is one of the pilots of the ROV from Ocean Exploration Trust:
"Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) and the Nautilus Exploration Program aim to explore the ocean, seeking out new discoveries in the fields of geology, biology, maritime history, archaeology, and chemistry... "
They are doing some fascinating work in exploring and mapping the sea floor, currently off the coast of Southern California. You can see the live feed of the mapping at https://nautiluslive.org/ On this site you can find multiple amazing clips of ROV expeditions that Jessica piloted. You will see creatures you could not have imagined existed and vistas of hidden beauty. It is so important for all of us to be aware of these treasures - they need us to protect them from things like dredging indiscriminately and pollution from oil drilling. Writing letters to your legislators when these issues arise is something everyone can do. Organizations like Earthjustice.org make this easy as you can just add your name to their email letters and click send. Thank you! Most important is that you enjoy the videos of the amazing depths of our one and only ocean.