Protect 30x30 is an initiative started by the Biden Administration to preserve 30% of both the waters and lands of the Nation. Here is one place that you can sign up to show your support: https://healthyoceans.salsalabs.org/champion4nature/index.html
Go to this site: https://www.greenmatters.com/p/world-oceans-day#:~:text=Here%20are%20some%20other%20ways%20to%20help%20on,does%20irreparable%20harm%20to%20marine%20and%20plant%20life. to see clickable organizations that are doing great work in ocean conservation, like two of my favorites Oceana and Ocean Conservancy. There are also webinars today such as hosted by the United Nations.

The Nature Conservancy also does a lot of good work and has a webinar on June 30th - need to register for this one, just go to their website.

Lastly, there is a priceless experience that is available in August - family camp with Jean-Michel Cousteau

Here is the link to see what the week entails: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/WhctKKWxSCKZGmRqGQvxhQQxNBbrFKKMXLZCfKpbrrtSXVfXfVWGzgZshGsnjPNMjqKvQPv
My family did this several years ago, held at Catalina Island and it was fabulous! You get to snorkel with Jean-Michel, Jacques Cousteau's youngest son, who has his own effort of ocean education and work through The Cousteau Society. He has filmed several documentaries on the Ocean. We snorkeled together in Emerald Bay and I channeled all the "Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau" shows I watched in my youth. Jean Michel gives a fascinating talk about what it was like to grow up in the Cousteau family, as well as loads of hands-on learning during the week about the ocean. A highlight of the trip is when we snorkeled to a kelp bed at night with our flashlights. At the command, we turned them off and dipped underwater. Waving our hands around caused a flurry of bioluminescence from the critters in the water. It was like making our own fairy dust!
Other things YOU can do for the ocean is avoiding single-use plastics, pick up trash on your street that will ultimately go down a storm drain and end up in the ocean, and show your support through organizations such as the ones above. The one I am most hopeful for is the 30x30 initiative. Please sign up!