I have witnessed the first propagation event in my aquarium! One of my anemones just split itself in half, thus for sure identifying itself as a clonal or aggregating anemone. These are the ones that form carpets on the rocks; at low tide appearing like a collection of seashell bits. The white bits act like anemone sunscreen. These are also the ones that squirt at you if stepped on, so avoid them! They can reproduce more conventionally with sperm and eggs released into the water as well, but individual mats of them are all genetically identical due to splitting. The Solitary Green Anemone is larger and does not split or
form colonies. It only reproduces with sperm and eggs.

Before split, a few months ago.

After split.
This is very cool! Do they actually physically split? Why are they so far apart on the rock? Do they sting? Thanks for sending me this. :-)